Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Crazy Weekend of Nonsence and Rain

How are you surviving mother nature? It seems she has calmed down a bit for us. We tried to make the most of the 7 inches of rain that fell upon us over the past weekend. Here are just a few of the crazy things we did.

My Daughter let loose a few rubber duckies into the little brook that became a big stream running through our yard. We watched from the windows as they floated by in the rain. It was quite a comical way to combat cabin fever.

Did a little shopping at Target and picked myself up a trendy little corduroy trench coat in turquoise. I just love everything about this jacket, the weight, the color, the style.

I just had to have this little black dress. I don't have a specific event to wear it to, but I love it. You can never have too many black dresses, Right?

Girls night, Yipeee! We went to dinner but never made it to the movie "The Women" because it was on at 9:30 and everyone had an early start to the next day. Party Poopers.
I still can't wait to see it.

We had a few nightly visitors during the storm. This group consisted of 2 momma deer, one with twins and the other with a single fawn. Very Sweet!

Caught Ya
My little grand- princess is being sneaky; trying to steal the remote again. Isn't she precious!

This little creature came out just as the storm ended to bask in the moonlight. He was bigger than a mouse and a bit creepy looking. (no more mice in my car....so far)

This sounded like a good idea at the time but it got a little out of hand. Brit needed to take some pics for her photography class. We dressed up the dogs for a tea party on the porch (it was still raining) She started snapping away when all of a sudden a squirrel decided to get in on the action. You can imagine how they dogs felt- No squirrels allowed! So they took off across the lawn and down the path to the field and pond. So much for getting dressed up for tea.

Franchesca ruined a perfectly good party dress on her squirrel hunt which cancelled the photo shoot. The squirrel got away and later climbed up into the tree to peak in the windows and taunt the poor mutts.

My little gypsy girl remained on the porch. No squirrel is worth the pain of getting your feet wet. She doesn't do mud or snow either. Just another Diva in the house of Musing Mya.
Thank you, my wonderful blogging friends. Have a great week. Hope the weather has calmed down for you all.
By the way I made it through the dentist today but have to go back to finish up in 3 weeks. Yeah!


  1. Mya, your little girl is the cutest. I love how you dressed up your dog, and all of your photographs are beautiful. Stop by for a bit of paper whimsey. Karen

  2. Glad I stopped by -- those dog photos are too much!!

  3. hi
    how was your day?
    i liked your blog
    you are fantastic!!!

    really nice blog
    fabulous fantastic
    take care
    see you

  4. OMG- going from your precious g-girl to those hilarious doggie photos- I'm still chuckling.

    There's a Target near us & I, too, love torquoise (as you'll see in my new blog's design). Enjoy those fashion finds.

    Hope the gals don't poop out on you again. (I love girls night out!). Last movie I saw for that was "Mama Mia" because I've been busy prepping for a fantabulous historic event in our neck of the woods.

  5. Love the pics of the tea party dogs! I can't imagine talking mine into dressing up.


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