Sunday, March 23, 2008

Family Day Complete

Well, it was another wonderful Easter. Most of the family was together and we had a lovely dinner. The majority of the food was provided by Mom which was okay by me. I would much rather provide the house and decorating and leave the cooking to Mom. I think my quests usually prefer that too. Not that I can't cook, I can, I just like to cook more unusual dishes. You know the kind that no one likes but me. I recieved a beautiful easter e-card thanks Jeannene.

I am very happy my blog new blog header, made by my sis, is up. It took some figuring out to do it. Duh! Thanks cookie for the help. The edit for my header was at the top of the page and I kept going to the edit header toward the bottom of the window. Well it's done. whew!

I am so pleased about the way my new journal is coming out. I only have the cover done. I left a sneak peek here.

It is time for the end to a great weekend but one more thing before I go; I did something very impulsive this weekend but I'm not going to let you in on it just yet. Don't tell, Gina.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you had a lovely weekend. I agree with you, I would rather provide the home and decor. then!! Love your journal it is so pretty.



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